Longmont Wastewater Treatment Plant

- Stainless Steel
- Accommodate for Thermal Movement
- Compressed Construction Schedule
- Ease of Installation
- Improved Safety
One of the stages of wastewater treatment is secondary treatment, a biological process commonly known as “Activated Sludge.” In this stage, wastewater is mixed with microorganisms that consume most of the remaining organic material to further purify the water. The process takes place in large basins that are aerated so the organisms have the food and oxygen source that they require.
The Longmont Wastewater Treatment Plant in Longmont, Colorado can treat up to 15 million gallons per day (MGD).
Victaulic’s solutions for the infrastructure market were utilized on the aeration basin and aeration piping systems at the Longmont Wastewater Treatment Plant. The aeration piping system included 12” and smaller stainless steel pipe and Carollo Engineers needed a solution that would accommodate the expansion and contraction of the system. The Victaulic Style 177N QuickVic™ Flexible Couplings not only accommodated the movement but also eliminated the need for bellows or other expansion joints.
On the aeration basin, Victaulic Style W77 AGS Flexible Couplings were installed to join the buried header piping. PCL Construction was able to minimize its construction schedule during the installation process through the use of Victaulic’s grooved solutions. Many laborious and dangerous processes associated with welding, such as hot works permits, x-ray, and pickle, and passivate, were eliminated. PCL Construction saw a reduction in manpower through the ease of installation of Victaulic Style W77 Couplings. In less than one hour, PCL Construction was able to join the piping needed for the header, which was approximately 60 feet long.
Plant Profile: Longmont WWTP, Waste & Wastes Digest
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